October 03rd, 2013
Euroconsult has developed a pioneer device in the world for tunnel inspection.
Reduce up to 5 times the time required for inspection and has been successfully tested in the tunnels of Madrid and Tokyo.

Euroconsult has developed a pioneer device in the world for tunnel inspection. Reduce up to 5 times the time required for inspection and has been successfully tested in the tunnels of Madrid and Tokyo.
This 100 % Spanish technology is able to reduce up to five times the inspection of any type of tunnel by using Tunnelings, a device developed by the Euroconsult Group that breaks with existing manual systems, which is an very important improvement since this type of maintenance can be performed only at night, when there is no traffic of railway vehicles.

In fact, is vital to have a faster system performance , especially in cities with metro service , where technicians only have two hours to do their job.

So far, technicians need at least a month to inspect the subway of Madrid , with 270 kilometers of tunnels, while the new system is able to do it in a week, as it can cover up to 80 miles on a single night .

Besides railways projects and tests in the Spanish capital subway, this new device has already been tested in other parts of the world such as the London Underground (UK ) and Tokyo ( Japan ), whose technicians have expressed interest in this technology as being far more advanced in both speed and accuracy. Without going any further , Japanese subway operators can only reach the speed of 5 km /h, far from Tunnelings records .

Its speed allows it to carry out more frequent inspections and keep under the microscope, the conservation of its infrastructure. The government has also shown interest in the versatility of this new technology , in addition to the underground lines can be used in road and rail tunnels as AVE lines where it has acted.

How works Tunnelings?

This pioneering innovation in the international area is possible through the use of a moving vehicle traveling at a speed of up to 40 kilometers per hour, on which are coupled six cameras laser that perform a three-dimensional map of the tunnel for possible damage or type of failure ( joint between segments, chippings, cracks, fissures and dampness) .

These cameras are adapted to the curved surface of the tunnel and can also inspect the condition of the railway, allowing them to make a complete scan of infrastructure with an accuracy of 0.5 millimeters at high speed. The results represent a breakthrough that complements the technical analysis , which are till today visual inspections performed by technicians who inspect the tunnel walking on foot in night hours when there is no railway traffic.

In fact , according to calculations by Euroconsult based on their own experience , ongoing maintenance extends the life of infrastructures between 20 and 30 years, so that not only prevents further disbursement in its reconstruction , but at the same time the regular inspection amortizes the initial investment . In Spain , it is a useful technology because of the hilly terrain and the amplitude of the transport network , which run by more than 2,500 miles of tunnels .

Tunnelings is a patented technological equipment of The Euroconsult Group that , despite the economic crisis, maintaining its policy to allocate at least 8% of its revenue on R + D + i . This philosophy has allowed them to develop other innovative conservation systems infrastructure , as Curviámetro , Scrim and Visualise used in countries like United States, United Kingdom, Brazil and Mexico .

Media Appearances :


Canal YouTube de Pablo Cavero, consejero de Transportes de Madrid (vídeo):

Antena 3 TV (vídeo):

Antena 3 TV (telediario mediodía). Vídeo a partir del minuto 29:30:

Telemadrid (vídeo):

Madrid Out! (incluye vídeo):

Prensa escrita:


El Economista:


La Vanguardia:

Europa Press:

La Información:


Te interesa:



Gente Madrid:

Diarios locales de Madrid:

El Distrito (noticia con fotos y vídeo):

Crónica Madrid:

Madrid Actual:

